The Awards accord recognition to the individuals, organisations and the project teams for ingenious design processes and solutions in overcoming project challenges to achieve high standard in fire safety design of building projects in Singapore.
The Awards aim to:-
Inculcate a strong fire safety culture among building professionals in developing our built environment;
Give recognition to professionals, developers and project teams for fire safety engineering achievements; and
Honour like-minded individuals for their consistent contribution towards achieving high standards in fire safety and compliance to the regulatory system.
We invite all qualified persons, developers, building owners and project teams to participate and apply for the Awards in the respective project and individual categories.
Interested applicants may browse the participation manual for more details on the assessment criteria and submission guidelines. The manual can be downloaded from https://go.gov.sg/fsdaparticipationmanual or through this QR code.

The nomination for outstanding projects shall meet the following criteria:
Must have obtained TFP/FSC before 31 Dec 2021
Must only be nominated by one (1) Applicant
Must not have received this Award in the past years
The nominated person / applicant shall meet the following criteria:
Must be a Registered Architect, Professional Engineer or Fire Safety Engineer
Must be involved actively and have contributed significantly to fire safety standards in Singapore
Applications close on 31 July 2022.
Award Winners will receive award certificates and specially designed plaques during FiSAC’s Gala Dinner on 16 Nov 2022.
For Participation Enquiries please contact FSDA 2022 Secretariat via: fsda@nfec.org.sg

16 November 2022, Wednesday
Shangri-La Hotel,
Tower Ballroom (Lobby Level)
22 Orange Grove Road, Singapore 258350
Cocktail Reception begins at 1900hrs
Gala Dinner commences at 1930hrs